Transformation Through Education

Lunch Providers


Join our amazing team of lunch providers who ensure our students and staff are well-fed every lunch time!

You can sign up with friends, a church, a spouse, or through a business.

Providers select as many dates as they want!

Each group provides lunch for 35-40 individuals. (an entree’, side, drinks, and dessert). Lunch is served from 11:48am to 12:30pm.

If it is easier for you and/or your group to simply provide the funds for a catered lunch, we can do that for about $150.00 per lunch.  Just let us know and we'll schedule you and our caterer. 

April: 7, 9, 11, 14, 22, 23, 29
May: 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19

Pick a date or two and email me -- we'll get you set up!

Contact Scott Christiansen at  a (402) 451-5234 Ext 7 or [email protected]

Make a difference in the lives of the teens at Omaha Street School!





