How do I enroll at OSS?
Enrollment paperwork is processed two weeks prior to the beginning of each semester. The enrollment process consists of completing the necessary enrollment forms, an interview with the school principal, and academic placement testing.
Is OSS accredited?
Currently OSS operates as a Rule 14 school in the State of Nebraska. This allows us to operate as a recognized school and award a high school diploma. OSS is accredited through Advanced Ed (formerly known as CITA).
How is OSS funded?
Since OSS is a non-public school, it does not directly receive state and federal funding. The major sources of revenue for OSS are individual donors, foundations, churches, student tuition, corporations, and fundraising events.
How is OSS different than traditional public and alternative public high schools?
OSS differs from public high school settings because of its maximum enrollment of 30 students, 10:1 student to teacher ratio, individualized student learning plans for every student, a holistic approach to student development, and a community-based approach to education.
Is OSS affiliated with a particular church or denomination?
Although OSS is in partnership with several different churches in the local area, it is not affiliated with any church or denomination.
Am I still welcomed at OSS even if I do not go to church or subscribe to the same religious foundation as OSS?
Absolutely. OSS does not discriminate on the basis of church affiliation or religious beliefs.